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The Power Of Daily Habits

Have you ever wanted to reach a goal , but never progressed beyond the thinking and dreaming stage because it seemed overwhelming?
Or maybe you are currently facing a challenging situation in your life that has left you feeling powerless?
How do you successfully overcome such situations? What actions can you take to move forward, to empower you and to help you believe in yourself? There is a way and it is simple - by introducing supportive daily habits.
What are daily habits?

Daily habits are the daily actions you take to support your goal or challenge. They are usually simple and small. They might not seem to make a difference on their own, but repeated many times, they help build momentum, which creates positive energy and in turn this helps create the bigger picture for your goal. Daily habits can be designed to be either supportive of your goal or to raise the quality of your life. Healthy habits equals a healthy lifestyle. The DON'TS of setting of daily habits are:

·        Don't make them mentally or physically draining

·        Don't make them time-consuming

·        Don't set too many: be realistic about what commitment you can make

·        Don't base them on someone's else great idea

·        Don't make them uninspiring, or your motivation will dwindle

The following are some suggestions for daily habits that would be supportive in the creation of a healthy lifestyle. By selecting and focusing on three to five suggestions, a person who hadn't been taking good care of
herself could expect to see a positive effect in as little as 30 days.

·        Eating three pieces of fruit

·        Exercising at a brisk rate for 20 minutes

·        Drinking four glasses of water

·        Eating all food consumed sitting down

·        Getting seven hours' sleep a night

·        Pursuing something pleasurable for 20 minutes a day, for example, reading, listening to music

·        Five-minute stretching routine

Most importantly, design your daily habits so that you feel inspired to achieve them each day, knowing
that they are the building blocks to the bigger picture.

Take Action...

Introduce two to five daily habits into your life this month that will help you move forward in an aspect of your life that is important. Create a chart. Write one to five daily committed habits in the left hand column. Rule vertical lines to create 30 fields for the next 30 days.

Each day shade in the box for the habit you have followed through on. The objective is to maximise the number of shaded boxes, with the ultimate aim after the 21-day period, to see solid shading! It takes time to form a new habit - so persist! The key strategy when adopting daily habits is persistence. Reliable research shows it takes 21 days to form a new habit. If you have ever been on a diet, and not achieved your desired results, think
for a minute. Could you have really transformed your entire undesirable eating habits that have been programmed in over a long period of time, in a week or so? Of course not. Imagine if you itemised your unsupportive habits and designed new supportive eating habits and focused on one to three a month: wouldn't your success be almost guaranteed? You bet. Taking action is empowering. When you start directing physical,
mental and emotional
energy to something meaningful you start to feel that you are winning. And the way you feel creates a magnetic energy that goes outward and attracts back the same.  





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